OHS and Risk Management is a High Priority for ABR Group NT. We have in place a Management System that meets the requirements of AS4801:2001 – Safety Management Systems; and the principal elements of ISO9001:2008 – Quality Management; and ISO 14001:2004 – Environmental Management.
Our management team works closely with HSE Management Australia in regards to measuring our performance against the requirements of our systems and contracts. Monthly auditing takes place for this purpose. All non-conformances are addressed in a timely fashion. All projects are managed at the planning stage. ABR Group conducts project risk assessments whereby high and medium risks are identified and allocated appropriate controls. The project WHS plan is formed with this detail and JSEAs developed to reflect a safe method of work. All methods of work are reviewed should a change occur; such as a change of task, plant machinery, conditions, staff etc.
JSEA plans are developed specifically for the activities required. We work closely with the customer to ensure they are comfortable with the processes we use and are happy to use their processes if they are more established than our own. We regard this to be for the betterment for the future. Only subcontractors that are able to demonstrate WHS management within their business are considered for involvement on our projects. The project JSEA plan is used to run the job and run it well. All subcontractors and workers complete inductions where company expectations are conveyed. The plan is kept onsite so it is available to all employees. The plan involves toolbox talks, pre-shift briefings, safety reviews, hazard inspections and training sessions.
ABR Group also has SWMS available for all activities performed. Relevant SWMS are reviewed and JSEA’s completed prior to commencement of any project. ABR Group has had positive feedback from our clients on our SWMS documentation. Several of ABR’s forms have been adopted and used by other companies.
ABR Group NT regards staff safety as highly important in our company procedures. We ensure all of our PPE equipment such as hard hats, safety glasses, sunscreen, water coolers and earplugs are in excellent condition and easily accessible to employees. We take safety hazards very seriously and with the nature of our industry it is important to be aware of risks. In safety hazard scenarios, ABR Group stops works immediately to investigate and will not continue until the hazard is removed or mitigated in accordance with safety procedures.
In addition to risk mitigation and PPE, ABR Group NT believes that staff training and clearances are very important. Therefore, our minimum requirements are to obtain an Ochre Card, First Aid & CPR Certificate and White Card. These requirements ensure our staff are equipped to deal with emergency situations and work with children where applicable, creating a safer environment for our staff and clients.
Darwin-based ABR Group Pty Ltd is an industry leader in the highly demanding fields of LV/HV Electrical and Communications installation, Cable and Fibre jointing and General Cable and Fibre Rehabilitation work.